Daily Gemini Horoscope January 23 (23/01)


May 21 − Jun 21

Alias: Alias: The Twins

January 23


daily gemini horoscope:

summary gemini daily

Star 10/10

You appear keen for a situation or arrangement to be done your way. That would be fine if it wasnt for the fact that someone else believes they have a better idea about how something should be done. Try to look closely if you can at how tradition is playing a part in your stubbornness. Just because something has always been done your way doesnt necessarily mean theres no room for improvement.


summary gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

We all have so many people in the background of our lives whom we know are there and also know many would come to our aid if ever asked. Sometimes, thats what it takes to separate those with whom our connections are shallow from those where deep, meaningful bonds exist. Someone who has been on the periphery of your world can once again play a very helpful and supportive role. They might just need to be asked by you to do so first.


summary gemini weekly

Star 9/10

This week, as your ruler links with deceptive Neptune, it will be worth making effort to read fine print in any contract or at least be crystal clear about what someones expecting of you. It would be helpful if theyd come out and say it but they might have reasons for conveniently omitting key details surrounding what theyre expecting you to commit to. This is not a week to take everything at face value. Hidden agendas could exist. Be willing to accept all might not be as it seems.


summary gemini monthly

Star 8/10

A confusing financial issue looks set to be resolved once Mercury starts moving direct on the 8th. When Venus enters your solar career and status sector on the 3rd, not only will harmony replace any tension on the career front but you could shine in a new role or find yourself being recognized and appreciated by powers-that-be. Dont fret if a financial issue raises its head around the Full Moon on the 12th. What comes to an end is making space for something better!


health gemini daily

Star 8/10

Remember the stuff about looking in the mirror and asking your reflection what you need? This is not something you can put off for the future (when youre not in this relationship, when your kids are grown, when your job is not so demanding). Its the #1 priority now. A good test is to notice how much water you drink in a day. If you can safely say that you drink over ten glasses of water a day, Im off your case!


health gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

There is power in knowing what you want, but its not always easy! Ever spend too long looking at the menu in a restaurant? The waiter keeps coming, and pretty soon you order something just to get it over with? Now pretend youre the waiter. The best way to find what you want is to know what you need. If you know you need nutritious root vegetables into your diet, your want list instantly becomes more manageable and the power is in your hands to decide.


health gemini weekly

Star 10/10

There are many gadgets on the market that claim to improve health. You might be drawn to experiment with a few of them to help you keep track of your well-being. You might also be interested in purchasing exercise equipment or new sportswear. It could be a fascinating but expensive week.


health gemini monthly

Star 8/10

Key decisions taken this month could either help or hinder your well-being. Before you commit to any action, consider its overall effect on your health. Is it likely youll become more stressed due to the extra pressure or will it make life easier? A decision made around January 6 could have such an impact. In general, try to reduce the amount of stress you must deal with, as doing so could boost your well-being in many ways. Making more time to relax could be essential, too, especially if you get regular massages or spa sessions. Its time to indulge in a little self-care.


love gemini daily

Star 9/10

The astral alignment is excellent for all kinds of personal and romantic relationships. This is a time when you can and should enjoy the bond you have with your love interest. If you have any special dates on the horizon, they will be a great success, and will enable you to understand and get closer to true love. The only problem is overindulgence, so dont go over the top.


love gemini tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your social life and general communication with others is highlighted right now. You can make use of this opportunity to mix with friends or make new ones, and also to find out about anything that is of interest to you. If you are looking for love, you may well meet the right person in an office or administrative setting, or on a training course.


love gemini weekly

Star 8/10

Could your actions be misconstrued at the start of the week? You may think theres nothing out of the ordinary in the way youre behaving, but the signals youre getting from others say there could be. Ask a close friend for an opinion if youre worried about it. You love to get your way over the weekend, so make sure youre the one planning all your dates. However, if youre doing the asking, you should pay.


love gemini monthly

Star 7/10

Venus feels at home in Pisces on January 3, giving your love life a comfortable, relaxed feel. You arent usually one to stay in and get cozy, but try it on for size at the start of the month. It might just fit. Mercury enters practical Capricorn on January 12, rooting your thoughts firmly in reality. Its OK to daydream every so often, but taking a practical approach is more beneficial to your happiness right now. The Sun enters airy Aquarius on January 19, supplying the light and breezy atmosphere you adore. Dating is casual, just the way you like it.


career gemini daily

Star 7/10

Pay attention to the e-mails that show up in your inbox today. Make an extra effort to return phone messages and written inquiries. An important piece of information will come to you via one of these mediums. You dont want to miss out on it.


career gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your indecisive nature is going to be worse than ever today. Looking to other people for advice is only going to confuse you more. Thoughts are going to get tangled up in your head and you will not be able to think straight. Go home early.


career gemini weekly

Star 7/10

The Universe could scatter your energies now. You may feel a strong desire to avoid assignments. On the positive side, this is a good time for social contacts and active communication. Try to create a calm, relaxed workplace to help lower everyones stress. Difficult tasks can be accomplished with ease. The energy supports a slow, cautious approach. Remain hopeful no matter how discouraging things seem.


career gemini monthly

Star 10/10

A demanding job could pay less than expected. Youre bound to be disappointed when you receive payment in mid-January. No matter how much you try to appeal to your employers conscience, your efforts will fall flat. Let this be a valuable lesson about setting prices and signing agreements. If youre ever asked to work for this individual again, politely refuse. Leopards never change their spots. Things will get better as January nears. The closing days of this month could find you traveling for business or being interviewed for a publication. Setting yourself apart from the competition is paying off.



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