Daily Aries Horoscope November 26 (26/11)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

November 26


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 9/10

You dont need an amazing, life-changing idea to make a significant difference to an area of your world. Just a small one would do. All too often though, we dismiss seemingly small brainwaves in favor of those that arrive with trumpets blaring and clouds parting. This is a time to pay close attention to subtle hints received where an aspiration close to your heart is concerned. What might occur or be said in an almost meaningless way could give you plenty to be optimistic about.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

Enough time has passed to take the edge off of tension between you and a certain person or at least helped to make dialogue or exchanges sweeter. As it was likely you who drew the line or declared how an arrangement was to be, it might need to be you who makes effort to get things back on an even or more accommodating keel. Someones wariness wont last long. Just make clear how youre prepared to let bygones be bygones.


summary aries weekly

Star 8/10

This week, thanks to a Mars/Pluto combination, its within your ability to conquer a long-standing fear. Expect to discover youre not as alone or unsupported as you might believe yourself to be. As you learn something valuable about yourself and experience a minor victory in some way, you could be encouraged to wonder what else might be possible. A brave step will be needed but its one youve been considering for some time. Allow coming events to help you to take it.


summary aries monthly

Star 9/10

We all love a good ol adrenaline surge, sometimes. Think of how many of us love rollercoasters or horror films. Theres something about a primeval need to prime ourselves that we derive pleasure from. Whilst the sky doesnt suggest youre in for a rollercoaster of a month or a terrifying one, it does imply you need to be on your guard in some way. Coming events could require you to adopt a defensive stance but only to ensure you bring about an outcome you need.


health aries daily

Star 10/10

Todays celestial configuration gives you more energy than you know what to do with. Internally you may feel confused or frustrated, while externally you may seem radiant and glowing. Do not let what others do or say influence your choices when it comes to your health. Follow your own internal measure regarding what you eat and how much, if any, alcohol you take in. There is no one else but you who knows exactly what its like to be in your body.


health aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

Todays aspects keep you feeling vulnerable for a little while. This vulnerability translates into a need to physically act out what you are feeling inside. There will be days when a challenging run or a boxing workout at the gym will release your energy in a positive way. Other days a yoga class and a long hot bath will help you find inner balance. Either way, you are paying attention to your body and that is important.


health aries weekly

Star 8/10

A more positive outlook is keeping you in top condition. If you suffer from any particular issue, it could be overindulgence. Its hard to give up the things that taste good but arent that great for your body. Instead, try some exercise. This will keep you in shape and help you to clear away any melancholy. Go for it.


health aries monthly

Star 9/10

The focus at the start of the month is on detoxing and cleansing your system. This not only includes your body but also any emotions youve been retaining. A two-day juice and vegetable fast, as well as a retreat in which you can release pent-up feelings, could do you a world of good. Youll feel fresher and brighter inside and out. Mars, your personal planet, dances into Aquarius, which can funnel a lot of cosmic energy into your nervous system. You can help yourself by feeding your nerves with oily fish and B vitamins and channeling this energy by exercising daily.


love aries daily

Star 7/10

If you have been finding it hard going as far your current relationship is concerned, and are fed up with all the excuses you seem to be hearing, you will find yourself pouring your heart out about how you would really like things to be. Dont say what this person wants to hear; say what you need to say, and change your relationship for the better.


love aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

You are likely to feel encouraged to get out and socialize more than you have for some time. Make use of a certain acquired boldness to go and speak to that person whom you have been admiring from afar. You dont have to be aggressive, but you would benefit by speaking your mind, and being honest about what appeals to you.


love aries weekly

Star 9/10

Do you wish that someone else could make all of your romantic decisions? Its easy to want to delegate when youre feeling overwhelmed, but does anyone really know you well enough to just take over the reins of your love life? Probably not! An attractive stranger makes you believe in love at first sight over the weekend, but love is fleeting. A least now you know that it exists!


love aries monthly

Star 7/10

The Moon spends time in blazing Sagittarius on November 1 and November 2, and your passion meter is off the charts. New flames ignite with someone new - or perhaps theyre still smoldering with an ex. Adventure and travel rule your love life. Neptune leaves its retrograde cycle on November 19, which brings the final chapter of any romantic fairy tales youve been telling yourself. Now that reality is here, whats your next move? Venus and Pluto meet for the last time in this year on November 25, allowing healing and transformation to take place. If you need closure, get it now.


career aries daily

Star 8/10

You have been keeping a close eye on something or someone, and you know the truth. Feel free to share this truth with the people who need to hear it instead of keeping this information bottled up inside. Support comes when you let down the walls.


career aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

A feeling of stagnation is getting you down. Perhaps you feel as if you are spinning your wheels. Today is the day to work your way out of this difficult position. Move with confidence and embrace the truth of the situation. Turn inward for answers.


career aries weekly

Star 9/10

Expect some complications and potential mechanical breakdowns now. Delay important meetings until later, if possible. You may be called upon to cope with fewer staff or other resources. Focus on developing practical solutions. Its best to stick with the familiar. Conflict with superiors, customers, or co-workers doesnt have to ruin your attitude. Youre slowly building for a better future. Finish all you can in a timely fashion.


career aries monthly

Star 9/10

Spend the first half of the month wrapping up a financial deal. If you work for yourself, youll get a handsome check. This money will not only cover your bills but also allow you to invest in your professional image. Upgrading your electronic devices or investing in a power suit will pay off handsomely. Have you been looking for a job? Youll get an impressive offer on or around November 14. Novembers closing days could send you on a business trip. This assignment comes at an inconvenient time, but it cant be helped. Stay positive and try making inroads with a potential client.



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